13 Dec The Hidden Job Market
The Job Market is made up of two basic parts – those vacancies which employers actively recruit to fill; and those vacancies which job seekers can find if they know how to access that ‘hidden job market’.
There are two major advantages for jobseekers who know how to access this market:
- As these jobs have not been advertised, you may often be the only applicant!
- Up to 80% of all vacancies may not be advertised, so they never appear on seek, indeed etc.
Accessing the Hidden Job Market
There are a variety of ways to find out about these unadvertised jobs, the most popular methods are networking and approaching companies directly.
Cold Calling companies can be done in many ways, but the three most effective are:
Cold calling – 8 Steps To Success!
How to Source a Job From the Hidden Job Market
- Select an Industry: …………………………….
- Specify Position/s: …………………………….
- Make a list of skills and experiences employers may be looking for in an employee:
- Match your skills etc to this list (Do you have most of them?)
- Choose which geographical area you can work in
- Collate a list of (20) employers who may need someone with your experience
- Decide how you will approach them (face to face, via phone or by letter)
- Make contact!
Where To Find Employers
- Ask Mr Google
- Yellow pages, hard copy or on the internet
- Business directories
- Ask your network of friends and contacts
- When you are out and about, ask everyone you meet for leads
- Drive around your local area and write down business names
- Newspapers/Industry newsletters
- Business advertisements in the paper
Bonus tip: Many companies actively encourage unsolicited applications. Check their website and see if you can upload your resume to them there. Go to their ‘About’ page, or ‘Careers’ or ‘Contact Us’ page
I have assisted clients from a wide range of industries to tap into this ‘hidden job market’. If you would like expert assistance with this, there are a few different service options.
I can assist by any of the following options:
- Write you an EOI letter for you targeting the industry of your choice $90
- Work with you to create an action plan based on the steps above plus write an EOI letter $250
- Research your industry, find up to 10 companies to target, and write your EOI letter for you to send out $300
- Research your industry, find up to 10 companies to target, write your EOI letter AND send them out on your behalf $500
Or I will tailor a package to suit your needs!